
Unesco approves Qhapaq Ñan's admission in the World Heritage List

The Qhapaq Ñan, also known as the Andean road system

The Qhapaq Ñan, also known as the Andean road system

12:47 | Lima, Mar. 10 (ANDINA).

The Qhapac Ñan's Regional Nomination Dossier for World Heritage has successfully passed the early stage, and thus meeting all the formal requirements for filing its file candidacy for the World Heritage List, announced Peru’s Culture Minister, Luis Peirano.
The Minister received the announcement by the ambassador Manuel Rodriguez Cuadros, Permanent Representative of Peru to UNESCO.

The procedure was performed on March 1, in Paris, and was in charge of the Director of UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre, Kishore Rao.
After this first big step, the file will be  submitted to ICOMOS (UNESCO’s advisory body of the Cultural Heritage theme) for the proper assessment.

According to the Ministry of Culture, in this way the application process will begin and it is scheduled to culminate probably in June 2014 with the decision of the World Heritage Committee to declare the Qhapaq Ñan as a World Cultural and Natural Heritage of Humanity.

Qhapaq Ñan was the backbone of the Inca Empire’s political and economic power. The whole network of roads over 23,000 km in length connected various production, administrative and ceremonial centres constructed over more than 2,000 years of pre-Inca Andean culture.


Published: 3/10/2013