on Thursday affirmed that her administration is committed to policies aimed at promoting free trade and foreign investment in order to achieve Peru's comprehensive development that especially serves the most vulnerable populations.
"Peru will continue to bet on integration, as well as on economic and commercial openness, with a strategy of developing open markets, aligned with the rule of law, solid macroeconomic fundamentals, and policies promoting free trade and foreign investment," she stated at this event.
The top official highlighted the contribution of CAF in developing cooperation projects, which allow for the promotion of trade and investment, support for the business sector, and the advancement of important productive infrastructure works.
"I express my gratitude for the continuous support you provide as our strategic partner in the development of cooperation projects, highlighting the assistance received during Peru's Pro-Tempore Presidencies of the Pacific Alliance and the Andean Community, and currently during the Presidency of the APEC forum," she emphasized.
Mrs. Boluarte also highlighted that the work with the CAF and other financial institutions contributes decisively to the actions that the Government has been deploying to address the structural weaknesses afflicting the country, and thus achieve comprehensive development that especially serves the most vulnerable populations.
Within this framework, the President renewed Peru's commitment to continue undertaking efforts aimed at strengthening the CAF, contributing to the modernization of its work, as well as achieving broad and proactive participation of member countries.
"For Peru, investing in sustainable development is the best way to prepare for the challenges we face in the current global environment," Mrs. Boluarte pointed out.
"In this regard, I reaffirm that our participation at the board will always support projects aimed at achieving comprehensive, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient development for all countries across Latin America and the Caribbean," she added.
Moreover, the top official underscored her
support for a series of cooperation initiatives, which include the Chancay Megaport development, urban transportation services enhancement, tourism investment improvement, and financial investment in Peru's Development Bank (Cofide).
"Undoubtedly, these types of projects directly contribute to improving the competitiveness of countries in the region, through the necessary productive transformation to enhance our citizens' quality of life," she expressed.
Lastly, the Head of State highlighted the designation of Peruvian citizen Gianpiero Leoncini as CAF Executive Vice President.
"I am convinced that, from this important position, he will contribute to further dynamizing CAF's work in support of the executive president, thus strengthening the institution's relationships with all member countries," she concluded.