on Thursday reiterated that he came to power to work for the nation and not to steal from it, stressing that he will respond to the investigations and accusations against him.
"I will attend all of them (hearings) because that is what this is all about, showing up where we are summoned," Mr. Castillo expressed.
"Instead of putting the major problems on the agenda, they (accusers) want to make us look as if we were more of the same bunch; they want to label us as corrupt ones," he added.
During a meeting with
indigenous leaders of Amazonian ethnic groups, the Head of State stressed that during these 11 months in office nobody has been able to provide "one bit that proves that we have put our hands (in public funds) to steal from the country."
Likewise, the dignitary affirmed that he looks up to deep Peru and the working people who are becoming aware of this political scenario.
"When I travel the country and made the decision to bring the Cabinet into the country's interior regions, I find the living voice of the people speaking out," he stressed.
The top official remarked that his administration does not have a "a travelling group of supporters." Similarly, he affirmed that his administration will continue to work in regions through Decentralized Councils of Ministers.
In this sense, the Head of State announced that he will travel to the southern region of Tacna on June 18, adding that he will visit Arequipa, Ancash, and Cajamarca next week.
After emphasizing that his administration intends to put an end to idleness, lies, and stealing, Mr. Castillo pointed out that he assumes as his own the Second Agrarian Reform aimed at boosting the work of farmers.
"The Second Agrarian Reform will be a reform as long as we provide guarantee and water security to the farms. We must strengthen the oxbow lakes, give impetus to lakes, lagoons, water sowing and harvesting, the irrigation canals," he indicated.
Under this premise, the President said he was sure that Congress of the Republic will welcome this demand emerging from the people.
"All of us must empower the Second Agrarian Reform and, as a Government, we will make every effort for the sake of the economy and the corresponding budget," he concluded.