
Peruvian woman and daughter rescued in Gaza thankful over evacuation

11:09 | Cairo (Egypt), Nov. 14.

Peruvian Ambassador to Egypt, Jose Guillermo Betancourt, gave further details about the departure of compatriot Nessma Alasttal and her young daughter from the Gaza Strip, thanks to the efforts undertaken by the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The diplomat indicated that Alasttal and the 6-year-old girl are already in the Egyptian capital after having gone through the Rafah border crossing. This happened following many procedures, exchange of notes, and phone calls, he said.

"We traveled to the border area, and after a long and intense day, we have the great news that the Peruvian girl and her mother are in Cairo; they are very grateful to the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its network of embassies in the Middle East, especially the embassies in Egypt and Israel," Betancourt told RPP Noticias.

The envoy affirmed that their departure from the Gaza Strip constitutes a joint triumph by the Peruvian diplomatic missions in Egypt and Israel.

At the beginning of October, conflict between Israel and Gaza broke out. At that time, Alasttal and her daughter were in that part of Palestine after having traveled there to visit relatives.

The compatriot thanked Peru's Embassy in Egypt and the head of the diplomatic mission in that country for the evacuation, which took place a week after the opening of the Rafah border post.

Likewise, Nessma Alasttal affirmed that the situation in Gaza is very dangerous, adding that they managed to stay safe almost by miracle, since, from time to time, they had to move from one place to another in order to avoid the bombings.

"I have left my heart in the Gaza Strip," said the compatriot, who called on countries worldwide to stand by their citizens. 

Additionally, Alasttal indicated that she and her daughter are planning to travel to Peru in the next few days.


Published: 11/14/2023