
Peruvian regions hit record high for exports

10:07 | Lima, Jan. 12.

Exports from Peruvian regions reached a record high of US$36.727 billion between January and November 2021, an increase of 34% compared to the same period in 2020 and of 23% compared to 2019, before the pandemic, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) has reported.

According to Mincetur, 19 regions saw an increase in their exports of goods: Madre de Dios (108%), Ucayali (91%), Huancavelica (84%), Puno (62%), Apurimac (56%), Ica (53%), Loreto (49%), Arequipa (46%), Tacna (32%), Lambayeque (30%), Cusco (26%), Ancash (25%), San Martin (24%), La Libertad (22%), Ayacucho (21%), Moquegua (20%), Piura (19%), Tumbes (13%), and Amazonas (9%).

In the same period, six regions hit historical highs for exports: La Libertad (US$3.553 billion), Apurimac (US$2.970 billion), Puno (US$2.159 billion), Lambayeque (US$835 million), Ayacucho (US$747 million), and Ucayali (US$75 million).

Exports by macro-regions

Within the jungle macro-region (53%), all regions saw an increase in their exports: Madre de Dios, Ucayali and Loreto, due to higher sales of gold, palm oil, forest products, chestnuts, and oil; San Martin, due to higher sales of cacao and palm oil; and Amazonas, due to higher shipments of coffee and cacao.

Similarly, in the south (41%), all regions witnessed a rise because of higher mineral sales: Puno, due to shipments of gold, copper, and trout; Tacna, due to sales of molybdenum; while Apurimac, Arequipa, Cusco, and Moquegua, due to copper and molybdenum shipments.

In the north (18%), five regions posted a growth in their exports, mainly Lambayeque, due to higher sales of fruits (blueberries, avocados, and mangoes); Ancash, due fish oil, fishmeal, copper, and zinc; La Libertad, due to fishmeal, avocados, blueberries, and gold; Piura, due to sales of phosphates, grapes, mangoes, and squid; and Tumbes, due to higher shrimp sales.

In the central zone (33%), three regions showed an increase in their exports: Huancavelica, due to higher sales of minerals (lead and silver concentrates); Ica, due to increased shipments of iron, copper, tin, and fruits (grapes, blueberries, and avocados); and Ayacucho, due to greater sales of gold, tara, and avocados. In the case of Junin, despite a slight drop in its shipments (-0.04%), increased sales of coffee, zinc, and silver concentrates stood out.


Published: 1/12/2022