
Peruvian Karate to participate in Pan American Championship

Alexandra buscará subir a lo más alto del podio de Los Bolivarianos

Alexandra buscará subir a lo más alto del podio de Los Bolivarianos

08:17 | Lima, Jan. 05.

The Peruvian Karate delegation is getting ready to participate in the 2015 Pan American Championship to be held in Toronto (Canada), which could lead Peru to obtain a qualifying spot for the 2015 Toronto Pan American Games.
On March 19 – 22, our athletes will fight for the four available spots divided among the female and male categories.

The Chairman of the Peruvian Karate Federation, Pedro del Rosario, is optimistic the national team will manage to qualify.

Alexandra Grande, Alessandra Vindrola, Milagros Zamudio are some of the Peruvian athletes, who will seek to make it through.
They are coached by Spaniard Antonio Escoriza.

The support provided by Peruvian government was highlighted by del Rosario.

Karate athletes are training at the Peruvian Sports Institute’s (IPD) High Performance Center located at Lima’s National Sports Village (Videna).


Published: 1/5/2015