
Peru's President to newly elected mayors: Let's work in the same direction

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

16:40 | Lima, Oct. 10.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Monday highlighted the importance of the three levels of government working together in the same direction.

Remarks were made during the meeting he held with newly elected mayors of Lima and Callao at the Government Palace.

The Head of State began his speech by welcoming said mayors, noting that they are the living expression of the people who have placed their trust in them through their votes.

"We cannot return peoples' support if we do not come together and make citizens understand that the three levels of government have to move in the same direction," he said in his speech.

Moreover, the dignitary highlighted the importance for them —as authorities— to agree to solve major problems such as citizen insecurity and transportation.

Furthermore, the top official affirmed that his Government will keep the doors open for them and he will ensure that ministries are willing and required to address these major problems afflicting the community.

The President also called on the newly elected authorities to carry out works transparently, "making citizens feel that a mayor is not a political ally, but a neighbor who wants to do things right."

Likewise, he asked them to end the scourge of corruption together, in order not to repeat history and to focus on issues such as education and health.

"Let's schedule these important issues to provide an answer to those who have put their trust in you. Let's set up a work group," Mr. Castillo suggested.


Published: 10/10/2022