
Peru's President leads Council of State session

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic.

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic.

09:46 | Lima, Feb. 15.

Peruvian President Francisco Sagasti presides over a session of the Council of State to discuss the issue of transparency in the electoral process for the general elections scheduled for April 11, 2021.

The holding of this important meeting was confirmed by the Head of State himself on Sunday night, during an interview with Cuarto Poder TV show, which addressed the case of some public servants who had received a dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

"We are preparing for tomorrow's (Monday) Council of State session, which will address the election issue," he said.

The statesman affirmed that participants will discuss everything related to the electoral process and will ensure fair and transparent elections through the national territory.

The Council of State is the body that brings together the highest authorities of the three branches of State, that is, the President of the Republic, as well as the chairs of Congress and the Judiciary. 

Moreover, the Council of State sessions are intended to address highly relevant issues for the country.


Published: 2/14/2021