
Peru's President: Gov't will work to boost economy and frontal fight against crime

19:02 | Lima, Dec. 31.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Sunday affirmed that the Government will work resolutely in 2024 to boost the economy and fight crime head-on, as these are very important issues for all citizens.

In a video message released on the eve of New Year, she highlighted that the arrival of 2024 opens a new chapter in the history of the country.

For this reason, she said, the Executive Branch will focus on closing gaps and improving health services, education, water and sanitation, as well as social inclusion.

"This year, we will focus all our efforts on addressing two issues that are a top priority: the boost to the economy and the frontal fight against crime and delinquency," the President said.

Mrs. Boluarte remarked that 2023 had difficult moments, and if the Government made mistakes, they are being corrected to continue working for all Peruvians who seek a present of hope, progress, and peace.

"In a democracy, we can disagree, we don't all think the same, but the most important thing is to work together, united, on the basis of dialogue, and prioritizing the common good," she stated.

"2024, the bicentennial year that consolidates our independence and commemorates the heroic battles of Junin and Ayacucho, will be decisive in making our homeland grow and moving towards progress and equity," the dignitary added.

The Head of State also stressed that her Government is one of actions and not words, which is why the commitment to the fight against corruption is reaffirmed, in order to continue working honestly.


Published: 12/31/2023