
Peru's FA Ministry: No agreement has been signed with Venezuelan Supreme Justice Tribunal

Photo: ANDINA/Andres Valle

Photo: ANDINA/Andres Valle

11:47 | Lima, Apr. 30.

The Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday reported that no agreement has been signed between the Embassy of Peru in Venezuela and the Supreme Justice Tribunal of that country, and it deemed the information disseminated in this regard as false.

This way, the Government clarified the information spread by some media outlets about the alleged signing of an agreement on judicial matters between both countries.

"Regarding the information spread by media outlets about the alleged signing of an agreement between the Embassy of Peru in Venezuela and the Supreme Justice Tribunal of that country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru reports that no agreement has been signed," the government agency said in a statement.

"Consequently, the disseminated information is false," it added.


Published: 4/30/2022