Peru's Foreign Affairs Minister Oscar Maurtua on Monday presented the guidelines of the country's foreign policy, noting that it is exercised in the service of peace, democracy, and development.
In this sense, Maurtua noted that "more than institutions' names, the essential thing is to achieve a South American integration, for the benefit of our peoples."
The negotiations are being held in Mexico, facilitated by Norway. Therefore, Peru's efforts are intended to support such process. In this sense, he reiterated the offer to use Peru as an alternate location for these negotiations.
On the other hand, the diplomat reaffirmed that the country's position is in line with the United Nations Charter, which is against the intervention in the domestic affairs of other States and promotes international peace and safety.
Remarks were made on Monday morning during his participation in the first session of the Congress' Foreign Affairs Commission.
Published: 9/6/2021