
Peru's FA Min: Corresponding adjustments to be made to enter OECD

Photo: ANDINA/ Carla Patiño

Photo: ANDINA/ Carla Patiño

10:50 | Lima, Feb. 16.

Foreign Affairs Minister Cesar Landa has affirmed that, if necessary, Peru will make the corresponding adjustments to successfully complete the accession process to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

"If the corresponding adjustments need to be made, it will be done, as has occurred in other countries. Nothing is written in stone," Landa stated. 

"In a few years, indexes and progressive advances will indicate the necessary changes in policy, as well as in the teams, for a better conduct (of the process)," he added.

The government official emphasized that accession to the OECD is a medium-term process, and that other countries in the region have taken more than 5 years to join the organisation.

"It is a medium-term process. There are countries like Colombia, Chile, or Costa Rica that have taken 5, 6 or 7 years (to complete it), because each process is made ad hoc for each country, based on certain standards established by the OECD," he explained.

Likewise, the minister remarked that clear goals are needed for these processes. Consequently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced plans to open an office inside the Peruvian Embassy, connected to the OECD headquarters in Paris, so as to monitor the accession process.

"An office that is in charge of permanently monitoring —through a multi-sectoral team— the conduct of the process for approaching the OECD in order to fulfill —step by step— the goals set in different areas: governance, sustainable development, fight against corruption, and increased collection," he expressed.


Published: 2/16/2022