El equipo Open BioFab Lima obtuvo el primer lugar en el International Chevron STEM AWARD–Fab Fundation, cerrando con broche de oro la participación peruana el FAB13, encuentro mundial de fabricación digital e innovación que este año se realizó en Santiago de Chile del 31 de julio al 6 de agosto, informó PROMPERÚ.
Peruvian team Open BioFab Lima was crowned winner at global digital fabrication and innovation event Chevron STEM Education Awards – Fab Foundation (FAB13), the Exports and Tourism Promotion Board (PromPeru) informed Wednesday.
The Inca nation took the first place with DIY Biolabs, a proposal to teach science to children in low-income schools that beat over 80 other candidates.
The US$5,000 prize will fund the implementation of the program in a school located in an area battered by
Coastal El Niño disasters, which also functions as a victim assistance center.
Open BioFab Lima seeks to democratize access to technology in Peru by teaching students how to build and use their own lab equipment, as well as by sharing basic science, technology, programming and digital fabrication concepts.
The program will also involve training programs for educators to design low-cost experiments for teaching purposes regarding agriculture, water, soil, biology and innovative materials.

Peruvian participation
Held in Santiago de Chile from July 31 to August 6, the event gathered more than 50 Peruvian innovators.
In addition to Open BioFab Lima, the national delegation presented other initiatives like a cardboard computer numerical control (CNC) machine to cut PVC pipes and a self-defense bracelet that helps women in vulnerable or harassment situations.
Highlights also included a colorful replica of Inca hand-woven bridge
Q'eswachaka in which Andean traditions met 21st-century technology.
This was Peru's eighth time participating in the international digital fabrication event and showing people from every corner of the world its initiatives in science, technology, design and gastronomy.
FAB13 was organized by U.S. non-profit organization Fab Foundation, an initiative born from MIT's Center for Bits & Atoms Fab Lab Program, and U.S. energy multinational Chevron.
Published: 8/9/2017