
Peru: Volume of fishery exports up 9.9% in 2019

18:15 | Lima, Feb. 25.

Production Ministry (Produce) on Tuesday reported that fishery exports showed a positive performance for the third consecutive year, standing out as one of the most dynamic economic sectors and the main source of revenues for Peru.

"In terms of volume, fishery exports amounted to 1.81 million tons, up 9.9% compared to the year before," Produce head Rocio Barrios stated.

This growth was mainly underpinned by the increase in fishing exports for direct human consumption (27.3%), as well as the growth in shipments of fishery products for indirect human consumption, such as fish flour (1.4%).

Likewise, in terms of value, fishery exports totaled US$3.539 billion, 7% higher than last year.

According to Produce's General Office of Impact Evaluation and Economic Studies, the export volume of fishery products for indirect human consumption reached 1.24 million tons in 2019, thanks to the rise in sales of fish flour (3.1%) and residual fish flour (3.4%).

In this respect, the largest exportable supply of fish flour was concentrated in China, with more than 70%.

Frozen products (44.8%) stood out among fishery exports for direct human consumption, reaching countries like China (22%), Spain (16%), South Korea (14%), the United States (12%), Japan (6%), among others.


Published: 2/25/2020