Since early in the morning pilgrims of all ages have flocked to the shrine of St. Rose of Lima in Peru's capital city to cast their letters into the traditional wishing well and say prayers as part of the celebrations honoring the Catholic saint.
Visitors show their great devotion and wait in long lines hoping to get a miracle and thank her for those she has done, mainly in terms of health.
One million people are expected to reach the sanctuary thru Friday.
Saint Rose of Lima was the name given to Isabel Flores de Oliva, who lived in Lima between 1586-1617, felt a great religious vocation, and spent her life caring for the sick as well as enduring harsh penitence to resist sin.
She is the first Catholic saint of the Americas and patroness of Peru, Latin America, and the Philippines.
Santa Rosa de Lima —as she is known to Spanish speakers — is considered the patron saint of police and nurses as well.
Her good nature earned her fame while she was alive.
After her death, veneration of her figure spread out, not only across Peru but also throughout the Philippines.