
Peru: Public Ministry files constitutional complaint against former President Kuczynski

Photo: ANDINA/Judicial Branch of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Judicial Branch of Peru

11:00 | Lima, Sep. 10.

Attorney General Zoraida Avalos has filed a constitutional complaint against former President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (2016-2018) for his performance in granting a humanitarian pardon to Alberto Fujimori in 2017, in exchange for avoiding an impeachment process against himself.

According to the document —which was submitted to Congress— Kuczynski is accused —for these facts— of the alleged commission of the crime against public administration - crimes committed by officials, aggravated influence peddling, and passive bribery.

Likewise, former Congressman Kenji Fujimori is included in this complaint for the alleged commission of the crime against public administration, aggravated influence peddling as an instigator, and generic bribery in his capacity as author.

The document also declares that there is merit to file a constitutional complaint against former Justice Minister, Enrique Mendoza, and former Health Minister, Fernando D'Alessio.

In both cases, they are attributed the alleged commission of the crime against public administration, passive bribery, in their capacity as primary accomplices.

Similarly, the Attorney General's Office called for submitting a certified copy of the prosecutorial file to the Corporate Provincial Prosecutor's Office Specialized in Corruption Crimes by Officials of the Central Lima Prosecutorial District, with the aim of proceeding to investigate a group of people.

Among these are Alberto Fujimori, Luis Alberto Tejada Mera, Luis Martin Champin, members of the Penitentiary Medical Board at that time, members of the Presidential Grace Commission (with the exception of Jose Luis Espinoza), and Keneth Mora Laneo.

As is known, Alberto Fujimori was granted a pardon on December 24, 2017, which allowed him to regain freedom after just over 12 years in prison. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison for La Cantuta and Barrios Altos case.


Published: 9/10/2021