
Peru President: Gov't to install additional bridge over Viru River

ANDINA/Prensa Presidencia

12:20 | Trujillo (La Libertad region), Apr. 17.

Studies for the installation of a new bridge over Viru River in northern La Libertad region are underway to enhance traffic flow in Panamericana Norte Highway, Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski announced on Monday.

The Head of State launched the temporary modular bridge built over Viru River to replace the eponymous structure that collapsed due to natural disasters. 

The Andean country is currently at the mercy of "Coastal El Niño" phenomenon characterized by heavy rains, landslides and floods that have destroyed infrastructure and crops, as well as left many citizens homeless.

"Fewer words and more works, we must carry on working. I congratulate the [Transport and Communications] minister, the mayor and all the people who have done the job fast," he said during the opening of the temporary structure.

"Viru needs drinking water and sanitation […], and I commit to delivering that," he added.
Mr. Kuczynski then proceeded to inaugurate the 112-meter modular bridge, thus restoring traffic flow in the main way. 

The ceremony saw the presence of Prime Minister Fernando Zavala, as well as Ministers Martin Vizcarra (Transport and Communications) and Cayetana Aljovin (Development and Social Inclusion). 

Minister Aljovin is in charge of government actions to address the emergency in La Libertad region.


Published: 4/17/2017