Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) on Sunday called on regional and local governments in Piura to implement their resources in order to address the emergency caused by heavy rains.
According to the government agency, regional, and local governments in Piura have a Modified Institutional Budget (PIM) for "Vulnerability Reduction and Emergency Disaster Response" worth more than S/94 million (about US$ 24.9 million). However, to date the progress in the implementation of the PIM has reached 13%.
Under this item, corresponding to the Budget Program 0068, the regional government has S/ 54.9 million (about US$14.5 million), and the progress in the implementation of its PIM reached 10.6% (S/5.8 million or US$1.5 million).
Meanwhile, local governments have more than S/39 million (about US$10.3 million), and the progress in the implementation of their PIM reached 11.3% (S/6.8 million or US$1.8 million).
"We call on regional government and local governments in Piura to execute their resources and meet the needs created by the emergency," the Ministry wrote on Twitter.
Finally, the MEF reaffirmed its full readiness to transfer the necessary resources, as well as to provide the required technical assistance.
Published: 4/9/2023