
Peru: Lima Metro Line 2 works to start in May

Presidente Ollanta Humala se reúne con representantes del Consorsio Metro de Lima Linea 2 en Palacio de Gobierno.

10:49 | Lima, Apr. 29.

Peru’s Minister of Transport and Communications Jose Gallardo Ku said the Lima Metro Line 2 construction will begin in May and will include 27 stations to benefit users of ten districts along the capital city.

Construction works will be carried out with cutting edge technology and will entail an investment of US$ 5.1 billion, which will include rolling stock, civil works and general sales tax (IGV).

Line 2 will connect the following districts:  Santa Anita, Ate, San Luis, El Agustino, La Victoria, Cercado de Lima, Breña, Carmen de la Legua, Bellavista and Callao.

The new line “will cover 35 kilometers in 45 minutes, compared to around two hours at present,” the minister emphasized.

The massive transportation project concession was granted in April, 2014 and will be completed in three stages. The first one will be from Santa Anita district to Evitamiento road. It will have five stations and will be operational in the middle of next year. The other stretches will come into service in 2020.
Line 2 will intersect with Line 1 at 28 de Julio Station and with future Lines 3 and 4 of the Lima and Callao Metro. It will also connect with El Metropolitano –a Bus Rapid Transit system serving the city– at the Central Station.

In addition, it will connect with Av. Faucett – Av. Gambetta Branch of Line 4, which will include eight stations and will interface with Carmen de la Legua Station. 


Published: 4/29/2015