
Peru: Lake Titicaca's water level remains low despite rains of recent days

15:09 | Puno (Puno region), Nov. 14.

Despite the moderate rains during the planting season of subsistence farming products in the high plateau of Puno, the water level on Lake Titicaca continues to fall and sat 76 cm below normal between April 1 and November 14.

The information was provided by the Decentralized Office of the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service (Senamhi) in Puno, which stated that even though rains were reported in the high plateau of Puno between October 18 and 23, and then between November 9 and 13, they have not been enough to retrieve Lake Titicaca's water level.

High temperatures

Likewise, it was reported that a heat wave is expected from November 14 to 23, with few chances of precipitation, as well as the return of high temperatures and high solar radiation.

The head of Senamhi in Puno, Sixto Flores Sancho, affirmed that these high temperatures will cause the evaporation of Lake Titicaca's water, which will result in a continuous gradual decrease of the water level until reaching a height of 80 cm, due to the lack of rains in the high plateau of Puno.

The expert reported that a new period of moderate rains is expected from November 24 to 28, which will not be enough to raise the water level of the lake and thus mitigate the difficult water situation hitting Puno region.

Flores Sancho recalled that in 2022 Lake Titicaca's water level fell to 90 cm until April 2023. However, 14 centimeters are needed to match such decline, compared to last year, and experts expect that it will not be surpassed.

Furthermore, he explained that this fall is due to the effects of Coastal El Niño phenomenon, which officially began in March this year and will run until March 2024, according to the Multisectoral Commission in Charge of the National Study of El Niño Phenomenon (Enfen).

Given this situation, Flores Sancho urged authorities from Puno region, as well as the regional government and local authorities, to implement measures in response to the drought in the region, as the situation was reported in advance.


Published: 11/14/2023