
Peru: Gov't expresses condolences to India over bridge collapse victims

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo

12:45 | Lima, Nov. 1.

The Peruvian Government on Tuesday conveyed its heartfelt condolences and solidarity to the Government and people of the Republic of India over the deceased victims and injured citizens, following the collapse of a suspension bridge in the State of Gujarat.

Via social media, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has extended this message from the Executive Branch.

At least 134 people passed away and 60 others were injured in Western India, after the collapse of a colonial-era hanging bridge on October 30, which constitutes the most serious accident of this type registered over recent decades in the Asian country.

The corresponding rescue tasks go on, Indian Government authorities reported.

For his part, local police superintendent Rahul Tripathi announced that nine people were arrested —including Oreva Group managers in charge of refurbishing said bridge, which had reopened just four days before its collapse.


Published: 11/1/2022