
Peru: Gov't expresses condolences, solidarity to Turkey and Greece following earthquake

Photo: ANDINA/Archive

Photo: ANDINA/Archive

12:07 | Lima, Oct. 31.

The Government of Peru expressed its deep condolences to the Governments and peoples of Turkey and Greece over the earthquake that occurred last Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reported.

The 7.0-magnitude quake has caused human and material losses, mainly in the Turkish city of Izmir and the Greek island of Samos, respectively.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed Peru's solidarity with the families of the fatal victims of the unfortunate event, as well as its wishes for the speedy recovery of the injured citizens and reconstruction of the affected areas in both countries.

Likewise, it reported that —so far— no Peruvian citizen has been reported as dead or affected due to the strong earthquake.

The Embassies of Peru in both countries remain attentive to any request for assistance from our fellow citizens, who can contact the following offices:

Consular Section of the Embassy of Peru in the Hellenic Republic
Emergency Cell Phone: 00 3069 3227 8786

Consular Section of the Embassy of Peru in the Republic of Turkey
Emergency Cell Phones: 0090 538 333 6234 / 0090 533 041 0885


Published: 10/31/2020