
Peru: Gov't announces creation of unit to strengthen digital risk prevention

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo

15:09 | Lima, May. 22.

Within the framework of the 8th pillar of the Government's General Policy, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), as the governing body for digital security and trust in the country, reported that it has been consolidating actions to protect citizens against risks and threats in the digital environment.

In line with this commitment, the PCM set up a technical group to propose actions and measures aimed at strengthening digital trust through Ministerial Resolution No. 125-2022-PCM on April 20.

The Ministry of Interior, Osiptel, Indecopi, the Ministry of Justice, Asbanc, Comex, Afin, and the four telecommunications companies in the country participate at this stage. 

Similarly, more than 35,000 public officials have been trained in digital security nationwide to date.
The National Center for Digital Security has been created to identify, protect, detect, respond, recover, and collect information on digital security incidents at the national level. 

According to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, digital security can only be achieved by joining public and private efforts.

Therefore, public entities and private companies have the obligation to strengthen their security measures against cyber-attacks, rely on specialized equipment and prevention technologies, as well as report digital incidents that may occur to the national center, in accordance with law.
The functional unit, which will be within the Government and Digital Transformation Secretariat, will seek to strengthen the coordination carried out by the National Center for Digital Security, the National Data Protection Authority, the High Technology Crime Investigation Division, the Prosecutor's Office's Cybercrime Unit, and the private sector, among other stakeholders of the national and international digital sector, in order to consolidate digital trust in the country.

Likewise, it will continue to issue alerts for citizens, small and medium-sized companies, civil society, and private sector organizations in general.

Published: 5/22/2022