
Peru: FA Ministry authorizes diplomatic officers' trip to U.S. for OAS General Assembly

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo

13:42 | Lima, Jun. 18.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has authorized the trip of two diplomatic officers to Washington D.C., United States, where the 53rd Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) will take place.

According to Ministerial Resolution No. 0432-2023-RE, published in the Official Gazette El Peruano, the trip is authorized from June 20 to 24.

Thus, the government agency authorized the trip —on commission of services— of the General Director for Multilateral Affairs, Ambassador Vilma Liliam Ballon Sanchez de Amezaga, and the General Director for the Americas, Ambassador John Peter Camino Cannock.

The 53rd Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), under the theme "Strengthening a culture of democratic accountability with human rights promotion, protection, and equality in the Americas," will be held in the U.S. capital from June 21 to 23, 2023.

On Saturday, the Executive Branch authorized the trip of Foreign Affairs Minister Ana Cecilia Gervasi to Washington D.C. (United States), from June 20 to 24, to participate in the 53rd Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly.

A supreme resolution provides that the Minister of Foreign Affairs will participate in the General Assembly and in a number of bilateral meetings. 

In addition, the Foreign Affairs Ministry's office will be entrusted to Economy and Finance Minister Alex Contreras as long as Gervasi's absence lasts.

Mediante resolución suprema, se señala que la canciller participará en la Asamblea General y en las reuniones bilaterales programadas. Además, se encarga su despacho al ministro de Economía y Finanzas, Alex Contreras, en tanto dure su ausencia.


Published: 6/18/2023