has appointed diplomat Felix Ricardo Americo Antonio Denegri Boza as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Peru to Romania.
For this purpose, the Government has decided to grant him the corresponding credential letters and full powers.
Similarly, the document indicated that the date on which the aforementioned diplomatic official must take up duties will be set by ministerial resolution.
This designation is in accordance with the law that regulates the participation of the Executive Branch in the appointment and designation of public officials.
Likewise, it is in accordance with the Law on Diplomatic Service of the Republic approved by Supreme Decree No. 130-2003-RE.
It also relies on the approving vote by the Council of Ministers.
End of duties
On the other hand, via
Supreme Resolution 083-2023-RE, the duties of
Gustavo Antonio Otero Zapata as Peruvian Ambassador to Romania will be terminated.
In this sense, the corresponding credentials and full powers will be cancelled.
Furthermore, the termination date of duties will be set by Ministerial Resolution.
Moreover, Otero Zapata was thanked for the important services rendered to the Nation.