The Peruvian Ministry of Culture has launched "Amo mis Raices" (I Love my Roots) —a digital communication campaign that seeks to encourage the appreciation of cultural diversity, through the dissemination of virtual conversations and videos in which artists, TV hosts, athletes, and other outstanding citizens will tell viewers why they are proud of their cultural traditions.
Likewise, they will include Afro Peruvian singers Araceli Poma, Carlos Mosquera, Javier Lazo, Moraima Cavero, and Para-athlete Dunia Felices, among others.
The virtual talks will address topics related to the promotion and appreciation of cultural diversity and actions for the elimination of ethnic-racial discrimination in the South American country. Said efforts are led by the Peruvian State, as well as the dissemination of arts and music, the traditional knowledge, in addition to the knowledge of indigenous, Afro-Peruvian, and Asian-Peruvian populations.
According to the 1st National Survey of Perceptions and Attitudes on Cultural Diversity and Ethnic-Racial Discrimination, crafted by the Ministry of Culture in 2018, 53% of those surveyed responded that Peruvians are racist.
Likewise, 59% indicated that the Afro-Peruvian, Quechua, and Aymara populations are "highly discriminated against," while 57% affirmed the same with respect to the indigenous population in the Amazonia.
This problem remains evident in our society, through individual actions, aggressions, and offenses that have as their objective the differentiated treatment of people due to their ethnic origins. This also has a negative impact on the exercise of their rights.