
Peru approves transfer of over US$2 million to PAHO for purchase of PPE



09:01 | Lima, Dec. 30.

Peru's Ministry of Health (Minsa) will transfer S/7.5 million (about US$2.08 million) to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) to acquire personal protective equipment (PPE) required to reduce risk of contracting COVID-19 among healthcare workers.

The money transfer, approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 1076-2020/MINSA, will serve to buy 2,824,000 units of tri-fold face masks, 63,800 units of aprons, 22,400 units of protective lenses, and 626,389 units of KN95 respirators.
The National Center for Supply of Strategic Resources in Health (Cenares) will be responsible for reporting on the use of the resources allocated for these acquisitions to Minsa's General Office of Planning, Budgeting, and Modernization. 
Minsa reported that nearly 3 million protective glasses, over 96 million face masks, 5 million N95 face masks, and 18 million aprons have been acquired so far through Cenares.

To date, Cenares has acquired 309.3 million units of personal protective equipment, which have been distributed in health facilities nationwide.


Published: 12/30/2020