14:09 | Ambo (Huanuco), Nov. 24.
Peru's Provincial Municipality of Ambo in Huanuco region has recently launched the tourist route: “Ambo: A Huanuco wonder,” a circuit offering adventure, nature, culture and culinary tourism.
The presentation took place within the framework of the 104th anniversary of the province.
Located in Huallaga river valley, Ambo offers rich historical heritage and breathtaking landscapes to those who venture into its wonders.
“We are determined to make Ambo province the most important ecotourism circuit in Huanuco region,” Ambo Mayor Daysi Soto Mory affirmed during the route's presentation.
Tourist circuit
At less than 2,000 m.a.s.l., Ambo offers visitors mild, endless-spring dry weather all year round. It lies 22 km from Huanuco city, and is considered the entrance to the Peruvian Amazon.
The first stop in the circuit is Pichgacocha, at nearly 4,000 m.a.s.l. The location is named after its biggest attraction: 'pichga' ('five') and 'cocha' ('lakes') in quechua. The five lagoons are successively connected by the streams born in their waters, which then turn into a unique set of waterfalls. Given its geographical features, Pichgacocha is regarded as one of Peru's most beautiful chains of lakes.
Second in the route is Tomayquichua, located 10 minutes from Ambo on the right banks of Huallaga river. A popular spot in this Ambo district is the house of “La Perricholi,” an 18th-century Peruvian actress and singer, who is most famous for her affair with viceroy Manuel de Amat.
Further down the road, between Tomayquichua and Las Pambas settlement, awaits hacienda Cachigaga ('salt mountain' in quechua). Its owner, farmer and entrepreneur Honorato Lopez Ramirez has dedicated his entire life to the production of sugar cane and its derivatives.
The fourth destination is the Hatun Uchku cave, just 15 minutes from Ambo. Fossil remains of the fearsome smilodon, aka saber-toothed tiger, were found in its interior, still not fully-explored due to its depth (over 700 m.).
The circuit also offers 18th-century architecture in the form of San Miguel de Arcangel church, in Huacar district. The town's mother church features a gold-leaf altar. Another Huacar landmark is the house where Venezuelan liberator Simon Bolivar once spent the night, and locals still preserve the leader's sword.
Finally, adrenaline lovers can find in Ambo the ideal natural settings for adventure sports, such as rafting in Huertas river, extreme cycling, zip-lining and paragliding.
Published: 11/24/2016