
Night curfew lifted in Peru, lift goes into effect starting today

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo

10:32 | Lima, Jan. 31.

Starting today, January 31, the night curfew will be lifted nationwide, although restrictions such as capacity limits at premises based on alert levels assigned to each province, as well as the prohibition on social gatherings or crowds of people, will be maintained.

Supreme Decree No. 010-2022-PCM —published in the Official Gazette El Peruano to be in force from January 31 to February 13— no longer imposes curfew because it has been eliminated.

On the other hand, the rule extends the state of national emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic for a period of 28 days starting February 1, 2022.

In this sense, the constitutional rights related to personal freedoms and security, inviolability of homes, as well as freedom of assembly and transit across the territory, remain restricted.

Social gatherings

Article 9 of the aforementioned decree states that parades, local saint festivities, and civil activities are suspended, as are any type of meeting, social, political, or other events that involve crowds of people, which put public health at risk.

Social gatherings, including those held at homes, are also prohibited due to health reasons and to avoid an increase in COVID-19 infections.

Military and police ceremonies are exempt from this restriction, which must abide by the corresponding sanitary provisions, as well as physical distancing rules, it indicated.

Provinces at high alert level

The aforementioned decree indicates that 78 provinces of the country —including Lima and Callao— are classified until February 13 at high alert level due to COVID-19.

Thus, restrictions on capacity for businesses and other activities are imposed. On this occasion, there are no provinces at moderate, very high, or extreme alert levels.

The 78 provinces are: Lima, Callao, Tambopata, Zarumilla, Coronel Portillo, Tacna, Jorge Basadre, San Martin, Lampa, Melgar, Azangaro, Canchis, La Convencion, Huancavelica, Tayacaja, Lucanas, Huanta, La Mar, Cajamarca, Jaen, Chota, Hualgayoc, Cajabamba, Camana, Islay, Caylloma, Castilla, Huaraz, Huaylas, Casma, Ferreñafe, Lambayeque, Puno, San Roman, Tumbes, Arequipa, Huamanga, Huanuco, and Huancayo.

They also include: Abancay, Andahuaylas, Chachapoyas, Bagua, Utcubamba, Pacasmayo, Chepen, Ascope, Ica, Chincha, Nazca, Pisco, Chanchamayo, Satipo, Tarma, Jauja, Leoncio Prado, Talara, Paita, Morropon, Sechura, Alto Amazonas, Loreto, Mariscal Nieto, Ilo, Pasco, Oxapampa, Cañete, Huaura, Huaral, Barranca, Huarochiri, Chiclayo, Piura, Sullana, Trujillo, Santa, Cusco, and Maynas.

Capacity limits 

In the 78 provinces at high alert level, capacity limits for economic activities will be as follows:  

- Activities in closed spaces:

Malls, shopping arcades, department stores, shops in general, and conglomerates: 60%

Stores selling necessities, supermarkets, markets, bodegas, and pharmacies: 60%

Restaurants and related facilities, whose customer service areas (lounge, bar and waiting room) total less than 200 square meters in inner areas: 60%

Restaurants and related facilities, whose customer service areas (lounge, bar and waiting room) total 200 square meters or above in inner areas: 80%

Casinos and slot machine halls: 40%

Movie theaters and locations for performing arts: 60%

Banks and other financial entities: 60%

Temples and religious sites: 60%

Libraries, museums, cultural centers, and art galleries: 80%

Sports associations facilities and clubs (contact sports): 60%

Sports associations facilities and clubs (non-contact sports): 60%

Business and professional events: 60%

Hairdressing salons and barbershops: 60%

Spas, Turkish baths, saunas, thermal baths: 40%

Coliseums (people vaccinated with two doses): 60%

Gyms: 60%

- Activities in open spaces (observance of capacity limits and protocols required, subject to local governments' authorization within the framework of their powers):

Locations for performing arts

Locations for cultural education

Restaurants and related facilities in open-air places

Protected natural areas, botanical gardens, archaeological monuments or sites, open-air museums, and zoos

Open-air thermal baths

Open-air activities at sports associations facilities and clubs

Open-air business and professional events

Itinerant markets 

Sports stadiums: (two-dose COVID-19 vaccine regimen and booster dose required) 50%


Published: 1/31/2022