Foreign Affairs Minister Oscar Maurtua affirmed that Peru has established itself as a safe and attractive destination for global investment and highlighted the role played by the sector he leads in the raising of capitals that help promote the country's development.
In an interview with the official gazette
El Peruano, Maurtua said that Peru is a country that is open to the world and is committed to promoting investment.
According to the diplomat, overall the trip to Mexico and U.S. met the goal of projecting —in the main multilateral arenas at the Latin American, Hemispheric, and global levels— the priority that the Peruvian Government places on overcoming social exclusion and fighting the pandemic within the framework of macroeconomic stability.
The tour also helped present Peru as a country that is open to the world and is committed to socially responsible private investment, both domestic and foreign, which is governed by the rule of law and adheres to current standards.
In fact, in his first overseas trip,
President Pedro Castillo held meetings with foreign investors and representatives of domestic entrepreneurs, and conveyed a message not only of security and respect, but also of promotion of investment in Peru.
The government official stressed the importance of highlighting the foundations of the Peruvian economy, since the positive image of the country consolidates itself with recent forecasts for Peru's GDP growth this year, of around 10%, by the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
In addition, the minister remarked that Peru's economy is expected to grow more than 4% in 2022, noting that this growth provides an ideal opportunity to promote international trade, Peruvian industries, and foreign investment with social profitability.
This way, despite the current economic and health crisis affecting the world, the fact that entrepreneurs from the five continents remain interested in the opportunities offered by the Peruvian market —mainly in the sectors of road infrastructure, energy, mining, health, education, and trade— is extremely valuable, he said.
Published: 11/8/2021