
Expected sales at Fruit Logistica 2024 reached US$450 million

Photo: The Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism (PromPeru).

Photo: The Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism (PromPeru).

19:42 | Berlin (Germany), Feb. 12.

During the Fruit Logistica 2024 Fair, held from February 7 to 9 in Berlin (Germany), sales expectations were generated for US$450 million, the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism (PromPeru) has reported.

"Germany, France, Spain, Russia, China, the United States, and Italy were the markets most interested in Peruvian fruits," it stated. 

The products that were most in demand by international buyers were blueberries and Peruvian mangoes, so it is expected that more shipments of both products will be sent to the European market in the future. 

Peru's presentation at Fruit Logistica, the world's largest fruit and vegetable fair, was carried out through a strategic alliance between the Association of Peruvian Agricultural Producer's Guilds (Agap) and PromPeru, through its Commercial Office in Hamburg; and was aimed at consolidating Peru's position as one of the world's leading producers and exporters of fruit and vegetables.  

The Peruvian delegation made up of nearly 200 entrepreneurs from the agro-export chain participated in the fair and, in the national pavilion, exhibited the products of twelve agro-export companies:  Agronegocios La Grama, BeeFair Organic, Consorcio de Productores de Fruta, Danper, Del Sol Fresh, Dominus, Frutos Tropicales, Granjas Ingleby, Grupo Asica, JCH, La Campina, and Viru. 

Seven guilds were also present: Association of Mango Producers and Exporters of Peru (APEM), the Association of Avocado Producers of Peru (Prohass), the Association of Table Grape Producers of Peru (Provid), the Association of Citrus Producers of Peru (Procitrus), the Association of Blueberry Producers of Peru (ProArandanos), the Peruvian Institute of Asparagus and Vegetables (IPEH), and Associations of Pomegranate Producers of Peru (ProGranada). 

Officials from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), the National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa) and the Peruvian Embassy in Germany also participated.


Published: 2/12/2024