
Celebrating 32 years of "Lord of Sipan" discovery

10:45 | Lambayeque (Lambayeque region), Jul. 18.

With academic, artistic, and formal activities, the Royal Tombs of Sipan Museum commemorates 32 years of discovery of the first intact tomb of a high-ranking ruler, which marked a milestone in archaeological investigations around the globe: The Lord of Sipan.

Walter Alva, director of the museographic space, opened a round of international conferences "Archeology in Northern Peru," which will be held through August 8.

The first speaker was John Verano, a physical anthropologist from Tulane University, who spoke about his research called "Human Sacrifices in the North Coast of Peru."

Renowned archaeologist and anthropologist Alicia Boswell, from UC Santa Barbara University, made the second keynote presentation.

The conferences will continue on July 25 and August 8 with anthropologist Jeffrey Quilter, from Harvard University.

Additionally, Royal Tombs of Sipan Museum archaeologists Walter Alva, Edgar Bracamonte, Ingrid Colorado, and Ernesto Zavaleta will present the results of their latest research.

Main day

The formal ceremony —marking 32 years of discovery of Sipan tomb— will take place on July 20, the main day of celebrations, in the presence of top regional and local authorities.

Lord of Sipan

The Lord of Sipan —dubbed King Tutankhamun of the Americas— is compared to the Egyptian mummies by prominent Egyptologists.

He was a Moche ruler belonging to the third century A. D., whose finding and research in 1987 —by archaeologists Walter Alva and Luis Chero as well as late anthropologists Susana Meneses— made a significant impact on Peruvian archaeology.

The discovery also marked archaeology's history in the Americas.

This was the first royal tomb that archaeologists discovered intact. His remains are exhibited at Royal Tombs of Sipan, which, along with Huaca Rajada-Sipan (Zaña), through the collection of valuable artifacts, explains how the Mochica society was.


Published: 7/18/2019