
BCR: Peruvian exports up 16.4% year-on-year in Nov 2023

Photo: Courtesy by Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

Photo: Courtesy by Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

09:53 | Lima, Jan. 17.

The value of Peru's total exports last November totaled US$5.886 billion, an amount 16.4% higher compared to the same month in 2022, the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) has reported.

This result was driven by greater shipments of copper, gold, zinc, and non-traditional goods (chemical, as well as non-metallic-mining and farming products).

"They were also boosted, to a lesser extent, by an increase in export prices (gold, copper, and non-traditional farming products)," the issuing entity indicated.

The BCR also stated that the increase in shipped volumes (10%) is explained by greater shipments of traditional products, such as copper, gold, zinc, and coffee; as well as non-traditional shipments including chemical, non-metallic-mining, and farming products.

Meanwhile, export prices increased 5.8% year-on-year, mainly of gold and copper, in line with the evolution of international commodity prices, as well as of farming products and fishmeal, driven by the impact of weather alterations on the supply of these products.


Published: 1/17/2024