
Austrian Embassy presents Energy Globe Award to Aquafondo for project in Peru



20:58 | Lima, Dec. 13.

Aquafondo, the Water Fund for Lima and Callao, received the "National Energy Globe Award" —one of the world's most respected environmental awards— for its sustainable water resources management project in Chillon, Rimac, and Lurin river basins, under the motto "Sowing water. For more and better water for Lima."

On December 2, at the residence of Austrian Ambassador to Peru Gerhard Zettl, Aquafondo Executive Director Mariella Sanchez received the first place award —in the National Category— for the above-mentioned project, showing that there are friendly solutions to contribute to the city's water security.

This was possible thanks to the support of Backus, The Nature Conservancy, Nestlé, the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and CBC.

"This recognition is special to us because it allows us to make the members of the community of San Pedro de Casta visible, with whom we have worked for several years sowing water. They are the true guardians of water, and we dedicate this award to them," Mariella said.

Aquafondo is an organization that designs and facilitates financial and governance mechanisms in order to contribute to water security through solutions based on nature and sustainable management of basins. It is part of the Latin American Water Funds Partnership.

The project is carried out in the community of San Pedro de Casta in the district of Huarochiri (Lima region), where various complementary actions are being developed for the sowing and harvesting of water, which include the rehabilitation and improvement of ancestral infiltration channels, the construction of reservoirs, conservation of areas, productive activities, and capacity building.

One of its main objectives is to contribute to the recovery of local biodiversity through the control of flows during the rainy season, the aquifer recharge, the increase of water availability during the dry season, and the sustainable use of water resources.

About the Award

With more than 180 participating countries, the ENERGY GLOBE Award is today's most prestigious environmental award. 

It is awarded annually to projects saving our environment by personal action, sustainable projects or campaigns for raising awareness in sustainability. 

The awards for these many projects are presented in the countries where the project has been implemented in cooperation with partners, in particular with the international offices of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and UNIDO.


Published: 12/13/2021