
Andina news agency marks 41st anniversary



13:12 | Lima, Jun. 12.

Andina news agency is celebrating the 41st anniversary of its establishment, confirming its leadership in covering news on activities carried out by the State, political issues, the country's economic performance, outstanding Peruvians abroad, as well as an array of information aimed at both domestic and foreign audiences.

The expression "if the information is provided by Andina, this means it is confirmed and official" sustains the credibility of Andina since June 12, 1981, the date on which it was founded, during the second term of former President Fernando Belaunde Terry.

Since then, the news agency has not ceased to evolve. Its experience —from its early days in the era of the cable, teletype, and fax— has been consolidated in an environment marked by immediacy and real-time coverage of news events.

"Andina is a reliable and diverse media outlet. It provides reliable information, and this is known by media outlets —both domestic and foreign— that access the website every day, as well as by citizens who go directly to the site," Andina's General Editor Rodolfo Espinal remarked.

In the midst of numerous fake news, people now look for official and real information, and Andina has always complied with this practice, which has been consolidated during the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In these 41 years, Andina has never stopped covering national news events, even during the first months of the pandemic, when leaving home was associated with a high risk of contagion or death, as the COVID-19 vaccines were not available yet.

Under strict sanitary measures, photographers have not stopped capturing the changes experienced by the country, which faced one of the worst restrictions on social mobility with the aim of protecting the population. 

Thus, journalists and editors transformed their homes into editorial departments without affecting the accuracy demanded by their work.


Published: 6/12/2022