
Ancient ritual dance punishes bad authorities in Peru

09:00 | Mito (Junin region), Jan.1.

The ancient dance of Huaconada —originally from Junin region in central Peruvian Andes— is back in the spotlight at a time when the fight against corruption has turned into a crusade involving several sectors across the Inca nation.

This dance tradition praises individuals of moral integrity and punishes authorities for wrongdoing.

This article reviews an ancient ritual performed in the village of Mito (Concepcion province) at the beginning of each year.

Huaconada was inscribed —in 2010— on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, which recognized the dance's cultural significance.

Every year, on the first three days of January, masked men known as huacones perform a choreographed series of dances in the center of the town. The huacones represent the former council of elders and become the town’s highest authority while the festivity is going on.

Such role is emphasized by the tronador (whip) they carry and their masks, the latter characterized by accentuated noses that evoke the beak of the condor —a creature representing the spirit of sacred mountains.

The dance involves two types of huacones: elders who wear traditional costumes and finely carved masks inspiring respect and fear; and modern huacones who wear colorful dress and masks embodying terror, sadness or mockery. 

During Huaconada, the modern huacones dance circumscribed steps around the elders, who have greater freedom to dance improvised movements because of their seniority.

An orchestra plays different rhythms, beating out time on a small indigenous drum called tinya

Huaconada synthesizes distinctive elements from the Andes and Spain while incorporating new, modern elements. 

Only those of good conduct and moral integrity may become huacones

The dance is traditionally passed on from father to son, while clothing and masks are also inherited.

The huacones are Mito's highest authority during these holidays. During this time, local officials and inhabitants who committed a crime or offense are judged and eventually punished with lashes.


Published: 1/1/2019