
Peru: Sergio Tarache pleads guilty to femicide against Katherine Gomez

Photo: JusticiaTV

Photo: JusticiaTV

16:04 | Lima, Sep. 10.

Venezuelan citizen Sergio Tarache Parra pleaded guilty to the crime of femicide against Katherine Gomez during the oral trial held Tuesday by the Second Permanent Collegiate Criminal Court of Lima.

"I accept the charges against me, thanks to my defense (...) I must apologize to the entire family for what happened," said Tarache, who disagreed with the civil compensation amount.

Following his statement, the Public Ministry's representative reminded attendees that, according to the Criminal Procedure Code, the crime of femicide does not allow for plea deals, which means that there will be no reduction in the sentence, even though Tarache Parra has admitted to the charges.

The Prosecutor's Office requested that Sergio Tarache receive a sentence of 30 years and 6 months in prison for the crime of femicide.

The victim's mother, Cinthia Machare, expressed her total rejection of the sentence requested by the Public Prosecutor's Office against her daughter's murderer, since —she said— her family is asking for life imprisonment.

As is known, this individual —a native of Carabobo, Venezuela— doused the young woman from Peru's Callao region with gasoline and then set her on fire near Plaza Dos de Mayo (2 de Mayo Roundabout) on March 18, 2023.

Six days later, Katherine Gomez died due to severe burns on her body.


Published: 9/10/2024