
Peru's FA Min proposes group of facilitating countries at Peace Summit on Ukraine

Photo: ANDINA/Luis Iparraguirre

Photo: ANDINA/Luis Iparraguirre

10:03 | Bürgenstock (Switzerland), Jun. 17.

At the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, Peru's Foreign Affairs Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea proposed the formation of a group of facilitating countries, accepted by Ukraine and Russia, to identify consensus areas and establish work priorities, favoring the most vulnerable populations.

During his participation in the "Human Dimension" working group on Sunday, the Peruvian government official referred to the urgency of addressing, in a pragmatic and decisive manner, the humanitarian needs generated by the war.

He expressed that a peace process is not conceivable without the participation of both parties, which is why the international community must promote de-escalation and an environment favorable to dialogue.

The Peruvian Foreign Affairs Ministry's performance responded to the message issued by President Dina Boluarte to the Summit's participants.

The two-day gathering took place in Bürgenstock, Lucerne, Switzerland, and was attended by more than 100 delegations from countries worldwide.

Heads of State or Government and Foreign Affairs ministers participated in the event, in each case presiding over their countries' delegations.

Even though Russia did not participate in the event, the Summit was held with the intention of fostering trust and outlining a common understanding that will allow for starting a process towards a just and lasting peace.

Minister Gonzalez-Olaechea's presence at this event made it possible to express Peru's support for multilateralism and the peaceful resolution of disputes, contributing to the efforts by the international community in search of a comprehensive peace solution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.


Published: 6/17/2024