
Peru: FA Ministry requests information from U.S. authorities due to alleged police excess

Photo: ANDINA/Daniel Bracamonte

Photo: ANDINA/Daniel Bracamonte

10:19 | Lima, Oct. 7.

Regarding an alleged case of police excess against Peruvian citizens Francisco Diaz Burgos, who has autism, and his father in the State of Florida, United States, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that as soon as it became aware of this incident, the Consulate General of Peru in Miami proceeded to request the corresponding official and detailed information from the competent U.S. authorities.

The Peruvian consular office is in permanent contact with the relatives of the aforementioned compatriots in order to provide any assistance they may require.

This is part of the policy of providing guidance and assistance to compatriots abroad.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry is reportedly awaiting the information requested from U.S. law enforcement authorities.

Likewise, the Consul General of Peru in Miami has been instructed to attend the offices of said authorities in Tampa, Florida, to directly follow up on this case.

Media outlets reported that U.S. police arrested 30-year-old student Francisco Díaz and his 72-year-old father in Holmes Beach, Florida, on September 10.

They were reportedly subdued by several police agents, who used force and a taser (electroshock weapon) to knock them to the ground and arrest them.


Published: 10/7/2024