
Former Congressman Oscar Medelius murdered in Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Archive

Photo: ANDINA/Archive

16:03 | Lima, Feb. 10.

Former Fujimorist Congressman Oscar Medelius was murdered in Lima's Carabayllo district on Monday, news outlets have reported.

The attack took place at the intersection of Universitaria and Camino Real Avenues, when he was driving his SUV.

According to reports, gunmen on a motorcycle fired more than 10 times at the vehicle.

It was also announced that Juan Miguel Idrogo Garcia, who was riding as a front-seat passenger, was injured. 

The vehicle in which they were traveling, with license plate A3C-157, was registered to Corporación La Universal S.A.C.

Former parliamentarian Oscar Medelius, 69, was known for his involvement in the massive forgery of signatures for the registration of the Peru 2000 political party.

He was extradited from the United States and sentenced to 8 years in prison for these crimes.


Published: 2/10/2025
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