15:56 | Buenos Aires, Apr. 20 (ANDINA).
Spanish tenor Jose Carreras considered that Peruvian Juan Diego Flores is a marvelous exponent of opera among other Latin American interpreters.
Carreras stressed that there are “great” tenors such as Juan Diego Flores, Roberto Algna, Marcelo Alvarez, Rolando Villazon, Jose Cura and Ramon Vargas, most of them Latin American.
“Without a doubt, it’s the turn of Latin America that is at a great moment voices-wise, which also speaks about health and relevance of opera in the region”, stated the tenor.
The Spanish also said he missed Italian Luciano Pavarotti very much, but stressed that music has a new generation of tenors now, many of them Latin American, thanks to the path opened by the Three Tenors who kept opera alive.
Carreras stopped giving opera performances to play recitals and concerts. However, he admitted that it is “impossible” for him to get rid of his education when he gives a recital.
(END) Agencies/RES/PSY/RMB
Published: 4/20/2010