
Fin Min: Peru offers great opportunities to investments and demographic bonus

08:02 | Lima, Aug. 2.

Economy and Finance Minister Jose Arista highlighted that Peru is a cosmopolitan country for investment because capital arrives from various parts of the world, considering the macroeconomic and legal stability offered by the country's market.

"Peru is a cosmopolitan economy when it comes to investment; we have investments from all over the world, and we are respectful of that," he told TVPeru on Tuesday.

The high-ranking official underscored the main attractions that Peru offers to domestic and foreign investors, which cannot be found in other countries.

"Our macroeconomic strength, legal stability, the significant opportunities offered by the Peruvian economy, and Peru's demographic bonus differentiate us from other countries," he detailed.

The minister emphasized that President Dina Boluarte's Address to the Nation on July 28 shaped three fundamental elements: prioritization of private investment, support for mining activity, and infrastructure works.

"One is the prioritization of private investment. Peru is an economy that welcomes all types of investment, whether domestic or foreign, from anywhere in the world, as long as they are honest capital, to which we grant equal rights, and we respect property," Arista indicated.

"The second concept is clearly our support for mining activity, because Tia Maria (mining project) must proceed, and along with Tia Maria, other mining projects will also proceed. They are not only in Abancay and the south of the country but also in the north, because there are Michiquillay, La Granja, and Galeno in Cajamarca, which are poised to enter the market," he added.

"The third element is the Government's strategy to implement more infrastructure projects; and the Ministry of Infrastructure will be created in the regard," Arista said.


Published: 8/2/2024