
'Sabe a Peru' festival to showcase music and dance in Lambayeque

Photo: ANDINA/ Difusión

Photo: ANDINA/ Difusión

09:14 | Lima, May 13 (ANDINA).

The second edition of 'Sabe a Peru' festival to be held on May 19 will feature dance, music, cuisine and crafts in the district of Pimentel, in Peru's northern region of Lambayeque, organizers said Sunday.
Gianinna Villena, head of the Organizing Committee, noted that this second edition seeks to integrate the strength of Lambayeque's cuisine and other cultural activities like dance, music, craftwork, graphic art and history.

The event will be carried out at San Martin de Porres University and will gather 60 restaurants, a market with 20 producers, 20 artisans and several music festivals, she added.

In addition, said food festival is organized by 360 BTL Group and sponsored by Pimentel's municipality and Marca Pais.


Published: 5/13/2012