
Peru: Head of State participates in Ayacucho Battle anniversary ceremony

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM)

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM)

10:59 | Lima, Dec. 9.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Thursday participated in the ceremony marking the Peruvian Army Day and the 197th Anniversary of the Battle of Ayacucho.

The activity took place at the Army General Headquarters in Lima's San Borja district.

The event was attended by Prime Minister Mirtha Vasquez, Defense Minister Juan Carrasco and military authorities, among others.

On a day like today, in 1824, at Pampa de Ayacucho, the patriotic troops —commanded by Antonio Jose de Sucre— clashed with the royalists led by Viceroy Jose de La Serna and General Jose de Canterac.

The cavalry actions under the command of Guillermo Miller —who managed to drive back the royalist horsemen— and the advance of Jose de la Mar's men were key to the final defeat of the royalists, who ended up discouraged after the capture of Viceroy La Serna.

The battle ended at about 1:00 p.m. The commanders of the royalist and liberation armies signed the Capitulation of Ayacucho, a document that ensured the surrender and withdrawal of Spanish forces from Peru.

Published: 12/9/2021