10:38 | Lima, Apr. 05 (ANDINA).
The Congress of the Republic of Peru, presided by Luis Alva Castro, will receive today the coffin with the remains of creole music singer Maria de Jesus Vasquez Vasquez, at the Legislative Branch headquarters to pay her posthumous tribute.
The tribute to “The Queen and Lady of Creole Song” will take place at the Hall de los Pasos Perdidos at 11:00 hours.
During the ceremony, the head of the Legislative Branch as well as the political parties’ spokespeople will express their grief on behalf of the Peruvian people.
Vasquez Vasquez, daughter of Pedro Vasquez Chavez and Maria Jesus Vasquez Vasquez, was born on December 20 in Lima and died after a long illness at age 89 on Saturday April 3 at approximately 15:00 hours.
Her particular singing style captivated listeners and her interpretation of the waltz “El Plebleyo”, by Felipe Pinglo Alva, took her to be one of the best representatives of Peruvian creole music.
Published: 4/5/2010