
President calls for unity among all Peruvians days before National Holidays

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

14:00 | Lima, Jul. 23.

A few days before Independence Day anniversary, President Dina Boluarte called for unity among all Peruvians to continue building a fairer country, with more opportunities and more inclusive.

"The homeland demands unity and constant work, principles under which the Government carries out its actions day by day, in favor of Peruvians, especially those in vulnerable conditions," Mrs. Boluarte stated on Tuesday.

The Head of State said that "no political noise" stops the Government or distracts it from fulfilling the mandate granted by Peruvians to serve the country until the last day of this administration on July 28, 2026.

During her speech, the president emphasized that since its inception, the FAP has upheld the country's territorial integrity, establishing itself as the first force in Latin America and the third globally capable of executing an airborne commando operation amid the conflict with Ecuador.

In 1968, it was the first Air Force in the region to operate supersonic fighters.

In 1970, after the earthquake in Callejon de Huaylas, the FAP carried out the largest airlift recorded in Peru, transporting aid to the affected populations.

The FAP has also known how to support Peruvians in the most critical moments, when nature has struck, by bringing health and education services, as well as development to the country's most remote places.

"It supports military and police actions in the Valley of Apurimac, Ene, and Mantaro Rivers (VRAEM) to eradicate terrorist remnants, a fight that we will win together. We will not retreat a millimeter against those who threaten our peace and tranquility," she stated.

Within this framework, the top official affirmed that Peruvians appreciate the work carried out by each Air Force member, following Jose Abelardo Quiñones' example.

The event also saw the presence of Prime Minister Gustavo Adrianzen, Judiciary Chairman Javier Arevalo, among other high-ranking authorities.

It was held at "Las Palmas Air Base, FAP Captain Jose Abelardo Quiñones Gonzales" in the Peruvian capital, Lima.


Published: 7/23/2024