
Peru: Hydrocarbon companies paid US$478.5 million in royalties from May-Jun 2024

09:57 | Lima, Jul. 23.

A total of US$478.5 million in royalties was paid to the Peruvian State by companies operating in the hydrocarbon sector from January to May 2024, the National Society of Mining, Oil, and Energy (SNMPE) has reported.

The energy-mining guild specified that this figure (US$478.5 million) represented a 15.1% decrease compared to the US$563.5 million that oil companies paid in royalties during the same period last year.

May 2024

The SNMPE underscored that companies operating in the national hydrocarbon industry paid US$100.4 million in royalties last May, a 14.4% increase compared to the same month in 2023 (US$87.9 million).

However, it indicated that royalties in May 2024 (US$100.4 million) were lower than those reported in the same month of 2022 (US$151.7 million).

Lastly, the SNMPE explained that last May companies in the hydrocarbon sector paid royalties worth US$48.2 million for the exploitation of natural gas, and US$20.2 million for oil, as well as US$32.1 million for natural gas liquids production.


Published: 7/23/2024