
APEC 2024: Peru proposes reducing food loss throughout supply chain

09:12 | Lima, Jul. 24.

Within the framework of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum sectoral meetings, Peru proposes the reduction of food loss throughout the supply chain, from post-harvest to consumption.

"What Peru is contributing this year is the development of principles to help prevent and reverse food loss across the Asia-Pacific region. We have been working on this document with the other 20 APEC economies and expect it to be approved by Agriculture Ministers in Trujillo on August 18," Peru's Senior Official for the APEC forum, Renato Reyes Tagle, told Andina News Agency.

The diplomat noted that as the host economy of APEC 2024, Peru will organize the APEC Food Security Ministerial Meeting (FSMM) in Trujillo this August, where approving the "Principles to Prevent and Reduce Food Loss and Waste" is expected.

"This involves developing principles and systems to help reduce this loss because it has economic, social, and environmental impacts; so, we want to address it directly," he stated.

Peru's Senior Official to APEC emphasized that the proposed principles aim to confront head-on this issue that severely impacts food security; similarly, it has global economic, social, and environmental implications.

Reyes Tagle indicated that, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, approximately 30% of the world's food production gets lost or wasted. In the case of Peru, it reaches 47%.

"When we talk about food loss and waste, we are referring to the entire supply chain, from post-harvest to the final consumer. The idea is to develop best practices to confront this significant challenge. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, and China can also contribute in this task," Reyes Tagle stated.

"One of the principles being considered in this document is the training of people who participated at every level of the supply chain, aiming to facilitate more effective coordination and achieve substantial reduction," he added.

According to Reyes Tagle, "another principle has to do with raising awareness, as well as educating young people and households on food waste and prevention topics, because when we are served too much food on our plates, we often leave it and then discard it, which also constitutes food waste."

Sustainable Agricultural Systems

The Peruvian diplomat attended the National Meeting of Special Irrigation Projects and Regional Directors and Managers of Agriculture in the northern city of Trujillo on Friday.

Afterwards, the official highlighted the importance of developing sustainable agricultural systems that include biotechnology, digital transformation, empowerment of small farmers, and access to markets.

"An example is the impact of Chavimochic Project (in La Libertad region), which has regained 160,000 hectares; likewise, the construction of its third phase will recover an additional 50,000 hectares and create 150,000 jobs," Reyes Tagle emphasized.

"Besides, thanks to APEC, Peru has been able to sign 14 free trade agreements with forum members, and the National Agricultural Health Service continues its work managing the approval of phytosanitary and sanitary protocols for the entry of agricultural products and animals into the global market," he concluded.


Published: 7/24/2024