
Peru: Executive Branch accepts Interior Minister's resignation

Photo: Congress of the Republic of Peru

Photo: Congress of the Republic of Peru

14:50 | Lima, Mar. 24.

The Executive Branch has accepted the resignation of Juan Jose Santivañez from his position as Minister of Interior.

This was in accordance with Supreme Resolution No. 056-2025-PCM, published in the Extraordinary Edition of the Legal Standards bulletin of the Official Gazette El Peruano.

"It is resolved: to accept the resignation submitted by Mr. Juan Jose Santivañez Antunez from his position as Minister of State for the Office of Interior, and to express gratitude for his services to the Nation," reads the resolution. 

Juan Jose Santivañez submitted his resignation from the position of Interior Minister after being censured by Congress on March 21. The motion received 79 votes in favor, 11 against, and 20 abstentions.


Published: 3/24/2025