
Peru: Machu Picchu commemorates 17th anniversary as Wonder of World

14:04 | Urubamba (Cusco region), Jul. 8.

The Mancco Ccapaq Square and the Jose Nouchi Portillo Stadium in Machu Picchu Town, Urubamba province, were the stages for commemorating the 17th anniversary of the declaration of Machu Picchu Inca Citadel as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

Municipal authorities, representatives of public and private institutions, the general population, and tourists participated with great joy, and identity, in the numerous religious, artistic, and customary activities, among others held on the occasion.

Last Saturday, the "Purukallay Raymi" Inca ceremony was reenacted. It was convened by the most renowned ruler of Tahuantinsuyu, Inca Pachacutec, to celebrate the construction of Machu Picchu, among other ancestral works. This ritual precedes that of the Inti Raymi.

At night, the ceremony wrapped up with artistic performances, bringing joy and delight to residents and visitors passing through Machu Picchu.

On Sunday, a crowded mass was held at the district's church, where ecclesiastical representatives praised the Inca architecture and called on future generations to preserve of it.

Next, the Peruvian and Cusco flags were raised.

Subsequently, students from initial, primary, and secondary educational institutions participated in the event, with marches and allegories alluding to the Seven Wonders of the World, such as Petra, the Taj Mahal, Chinchén Itza, Christ the Redeemer, the Great Wall of China, the Colosseum, and —of course— Machu Picchu.

The typical dances did not take long to appear, as groups from other districts, such as Huanoquite, Paruro, and Ollantaytambo (Urubamba), arrived at the event to showcase that identity and pride for the city of the Incas.

This gesture was applauded by visitors and locals gathered around the area.

District Mayor Elvis La Torre told Andina News Agency that citizens feel pride and enthusiasm every anniversary, as they recall that back then, authorities, neighbors, and civil society had worked jointly for this achievement, which later expanded across Cusco, the rest of this country, and the world.

He stated that, prior to this achievement, few visitors used to come to this attraction. After 2007, the situation improved and Machu Picchu moved forward.

Besides, care, conservation, and protection were boosted. Similarly, this fostered economic activity and development across the district.

The celebrations concluded with artistic presentations at the Municipal Stadium and the Pachacuteq Theater, attended by locals and tourists.


Published: 7/8/2024